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Pete Mayberry

Head of Transactions

Pete Mayberry

Pete spent six years as a Warfare Officer on Submarines in the Royal Navy before starting his career in financial services. Pete was at Capco for 10 years leading teams of 100+ people on large programmes across Finance Transformation and KYC. He has extensive experience in programme management along with target operating model design and implementation. Pete joined Delta Capita in 2020 as the COO for the Consulting Business before moving into his current role in 2023.

Pete leads the Transactions team at Delta Capita, working with banks to lift-out core functions that are non-differentiating and transform them into revenue generating mutualised services. His team work closely with all stakeholders to complete the transaction due-diligence process. This includes designing and validating the future operating models and building the associated business plans and investment cases.
Pete holds a first class degree in engineering from Newcastle University and an MBA from Henley Business school.