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At Delta Capita, we support our clients across the breadth of the insurance industry. From strategy and target operating model definition through to delivery expertise and capacity. We combine this with experts in data, regulation and process design plus deep expertise in Delegated Authority, Underwriting, Claims Handling, Due Diligence and Bordereaux Analysis.

Get in touch

We support our clients in creating sustainable, customer-centric business models driven by the proactive use of data and innovative technologies.


How Delta Capita can help

  • Delivery Expertise - We provide our clients with delivery capacity to help meet project objectives, provide key transformation resources including Project managers, Business Analysts, PMO’s to deliver across key change initiatives.
  • Strategy & Target Operating Models - We partner with our clients to define new operating models, new customer propositions and find operational efficiencies.
  • Data - Data sits at the core of most of our engagements from analytics, data management, architecture, performance optimisation and automation to data science and AI.
  • InsurTech Consulting - We work with best-in-class technology providers to automate insurance processes.
  • Regulation - We help our clients navigate the regulatory landscape on key regulations such as Consumer Duty, Resilience, Dora and Sustainability.
  • Specific Expertise - Delegated Authority: Specialised service to optimise and oversee delegated functions; Underwriting: Enhancing risk assessment and pricing models; Claims Handling: Streamlining claims processes for greater efficiency; Due Diligence: Comprehensive evaluation for M&A and other critical decisions; Bordereaux Analysis: Expert analysis for managing complex ledgers.

We provide world-leading mutualised services for the financial services industry. Delta Capita engineers mission critical services, leveraging a unique combination of recognised industry experts, proprietary technology, and capital.

Start something great


Running mission critical services for financial services over years.


Recognised industry professionals at your service.

Proprietary tech

Influence, direct and control the tech that underpins services.


The ability to co-invest with clients to drive transformation.

Real world experience experts

Our team of experts, equipped with a curated portfolio of leading fintech tools and platforms, provide end-to-end services to overcome financial institutions' most challenging digital, data and regulatory issues.With offices around the world, we work closely with our clients to ensure they effectively and efficiently comply with regulations, simplify operations, reduce costs and innovate their business models.