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The Transformative Power of Agile Maturity Assessments

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, agility is no longer a luxury; it's a necessity. Organisations striving to stay ahead in the market are turning to Agile methodologies to foster adaptability, collaboration, and innovation.


Merijn is a financial services professional with passion for technology and a proven track record in orchestrating transformation and value creation​.

Merijn Rijsdijk
Head of Business Agility

The path to achieving true agility is not a one-size-fits-all endeavour for all companies. Different firms may prefer to implement various methodologies and degrees of adoption, and they are typically at diverse stages in their journey towards Agile adoption. To understand where you have been, where you’re going and what your Agile goals look like, Agile maturity assessments can be used to guide your organisation towards enhanced business agility.

Try our Agile Maturity Assessment

Delta Capita has developed multiple agile maturity assessments to support our clients on their business agility journey. If you are interested, we invite you to fill out our free Agile maturity assessment, at the organisational level. By participating via the link, you will receive a comparative chart illustrating how your organisation's performance compares to the average score of our customers and the market leaders in Financial Services. If you work in Financial Services and would like to discuss the outcomes of your assessment further, we would be happy to engage in that conversation.

The Agile Advantage

Agile methodologies, with their emphasis on iterative development, continuous feedback, and cross-functional collaboration, have proven to be instrumental in helping organisations respond swiftly to change. However, improving business agility requires more than just adopting a new set of methodologies. It calls for fundamental shifts, including changes in the way the organisation works together, leadership, prioritisation, and customer focus. It demands a holistic understanding of the organisation's current state of agility and a strategic approach to improvement.

Unveiling Blind Spots

One of the primary benefits of an Agile maturity assessment is its ability to unveil the hidden intricacies of an organisation's agility. It goes beyond the surface-level adoption of Agile practices and delves into the cultural, structural, and procedural aspects that shape the organisation. By conducting a comprehensive assessment and discussing the outcomes with various participants, organisations can identify their strengths and pinpoint areas that need improvement, essentially turning a spotlight on the blind spots that may hinder their business agility journey.

Tailoring Agile Practices to Your Organisation

No two organisations are identical, and what works for one may not work for another. Agile maturity assessments assist in developing a tailored business agility roadmap for your organisation. They provide insight into the extent to which various Agile practices have been implemented and their intended impact. Based on these insights and the unique needs and objectives of the organisation, a carefully crafted strategy can be designed to enhance business agility in a way that suits the specific context of your organisation.  

Setting Realistic Goals

Embarking on the Agile journey without a clear roadmap is akin to sailing without a compass. Agile maturity assessments enable organisations to set realistic and achievable goals based on their current state of agility. This prevents the setting of overly ambitious objectives that may lead to frustration and disillusionment. By establishing incremental goals, organisations can steadily progress along their Agile maturity journey, celebrating achievements along the way.

Fostering Continuous Improvement

Agility is not a destination but a continuous journey of improvement. Agile maturity assessments instil a culture of continuous improvement within organisations. By regularly evaluating and reassessing their agility, organisations can adapt to changing circumstances, refine their processes, and foster a mindset of perpetual enhancement. This iterative approach ensures that the organisation remains nimble and responsive in an ever-changing business environment.

Gaining Stakeholder Buy-In

Agile maturity assessments provide tangible insights that facilitate communication and understanding among team members, management, and other key stakeholders. This makes it easier to garner the necessary support and alignment to drive meaningful change.

To summarise, in today’s rapidly changing, ambiguous and turbulent business environment, agility is not just an advantage - it's a survival imperative. Agile maturity assessments act as a strategic tool, guiding organisations through the intricate path of Agile transformation. By revealing blind spots, tailoring Agile practices, setting realistic goals, fostering continuous improvement and gaining stakeholder buy-in, these assessments pave the way for enhanced business agility.

Try our free Agile Maturity Assessment here.