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DC Reinventing Hub

Reinventing the Work-Life Balance: How We Support Parents through Work from Home Options

The ability to attract and retain talented people is critical to Delta Capita’s continued growth. Offering flexible working arrangements has been the cornerstone of this endeavor, especially during C


The ability to attract and retain talented people is critical to Delta Capita’s continued growth. Offering flexible working arrangements has been the cornerstone of this endeavor, especially during COVID, when employees worldwide struggled with the blurred line between work and home responsibilities. Working from home options has allowed our working parents to create a work-life balance that meets their needs.

On International Day of Parents, we interviewed some of our colleagues about their experience of being working parents at Delta Capita:

Tal Solomon: HR Business Partner, UK & Isreal

In 2020, we moved from Israel to the UK. Moving to a new country is not an easy adventure, especially a pandemic, with three kids to help settle into a new environment. For our family, and especially Romi (11), Ben (9), and Tom (4), this was a challenge. We knew it wouldn’t be easy, but luckily, my workplace going remote made it so much easier for me to be there for my loved ones.

At that time, Delta Capita had moved to full-time home-working in light of the COVID situation. Trust, teamwork, and achieving goals became core parts of my new life as part of the Delta Capita family - my new British family.

Alongside hard work, I always made time to eat lunch with the children, help them with their remote learning and be there for them whenever they needed something. When we went back to normal (kind of), the possibility and flexibility to take the children to school allowed me to create little moments that contributed to our little family and my motivation at work.

Knowing that the company was supporting me and allowing me to have a healthy “work-family balance” made me realise that working at DC was definitely the right choice.

Wilfred van Schie: Consultant, Netherlands

The COVID pandemic has taught us that working from home is doable and can improve your work-life balance. However, that does not mean that finding a new balance has not been a bumpy ride. As a full-time working father of a two-year-old, suddenly working from home 24/7 has been a significant change.

At the start of the pandemic, it felt like everyone – including myself – was trying to fill every 15-minute window of every day with a virtual meeting to fill the void of not being in an office space. It still feels this way, sometimes. But with the freedom to determine my agenda, I’ve enjoyed more lunches, dinners, and even afternoons with my family. And it’s been incredible to see my daughter’s development this past year.

Delta Capita has been great in supporting my remote work arrangements over the past year. Now, as we move to a new normal, I’m glad to say that working from home is here to stay. I am thrilled with the support, flexibility, and forward-thinking mindset at Delta Capita.

We are proud of our ability to enable our people to adjust their working patterns to balance their work-life and other commitments, including the number of senior managers who work part-time. We work hard to create a culture where we can all be ourselves, celebrate our differences, and realise our potential.

For more details on working at DC, our Values, and opportunities to be part of the DC journey, please click here.