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Reinventing support in the workplace: My gratitude for Delta Capita on World Refugee Day

At Delta Capita, we do everything we can to create a safe and inclusive environment for all employees, which includes supporting colleagues who are refugees. As World Refugee Day approaches, Analyst Nael Almajzoub talks about how Delta Capita became a second family for him after he fled his home in Syria.


Nael has Joined Delta Capita as an Analyst since August 2022, after completing an MSc in Finance and risk management with Distinction.

Nael Almajzoub

I am a Syrian refugee who arrived in the UK in 2020. I had ten years’ experience in business management and accounting and after completing an MSc in finance and risk management with distinction, I joined Delta Capita as an analyst in August 2022.

In a world that can sometimes feel daunting and unwelcoming, acts of kindness and compassion can make all the difference. As we celebrate World Refugee Day on 20 June, I want to express my deepest gratitude to Delta Capita, who have provided unwavering support throughout my journey.

When I arrived in England, I was filled with uncertainty and mixed emotions. But, from the moment I stepped foot in Delta Capita, I was greeted with open arms. The warm and genuine hospitality from colleagues created an environment in which I could thrive. Their commitment to creating a welcoming home for me was a gift beyond measure.

Unlocking my potential

Delta Capita saw beyond my refugee status, recognising the skills and experiences I could bring. This belief in my potential instilled a new confidence in me and inspired me to strive for excellence. DC’s trust, guidance and support have allowed me to unlock my potential and contribute significantly to the organisation.

The firm has also consistently provided me with wellbeing support and opportunities for growth. They have invested in my professional development, offered training programmes, and recently provided a mentorship opportunity. Through these initiatives, DC have enhanced my skills and demonstrated their commitment to my long-term success.

Cultural sensitivity

DC’s cultural sensitivity and inclusivity have helped me integrate into the organisation and the broader community. They have fostered an environment that celebrates diversity and embraces differences. My colleagues' genuine curiosity and respect have made me feel valued and appreciated. This inclusive atmosphere enriches the organisation and I have found it allows me to express my authentic self.

Through the ups and downs, Delta Capita have stood by my side. They have gone above and beyond to encourage my wellbeing and professional success. Their empathy and willingness to help have made a world of difference in my life.

I may have come to England alone, without my family. But I have found my second family at Delta Capita.

All about World Refugee Day

World Refugee Day was first held globally on 20 June 2001, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1951 UN Convention on the Status of Refugees.

Each year on that date, the world celebrates World Refugee Day to honour people who, like me, have been forced to flee their homes and countries to escape conflict or persecution. This event encourages people to join together and champion refugees’ right to seek safety; build support for their economic and social inclusion; and advocate solutions to their plight.

World Refugee Day celebrates the strength and courage of refugees, and is an opportunity to build empathy and understanding for their challenges, and recognise their resilience.

The day helps focus global attention on refugees’ rights, needs and dreams; and helps mobilise political will and resources so they can survive and thrive.

What’s happening on World Refugee Day 2023?

World Refugee Day is marked by events in many countries around the globe each year. These activities involve refugees, government officials, host communities, companies, celebrities, school children, and many other groups or individuals.

In 2023, you can join in by helping raise awareness and advocating for refugees’ rights. Find out about World Refugee Day 2023 activities by clicking on your country of interest on this page, or create your own event.

Support from Delta Capita

At Delta Capita, we do our best to ensure all employees feel welcome and included, regardless of their background, beliefs, or culture. We encourage staff to allocate time to their cultural and religious practices; and to their physical and mental wellbeing.

Employees who feel supported in these ways generally feel healthier, happier, and have more sense of belonging and engagement at work.

Are you looking for a new, supportive workplace that values diversity and employee wellbeing? Check out our latest vacancies. Also read about how Delta Capita are reinventing the workplace through employee-centred projects.