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Operational Excellence with Client Due Diligence Function

While utilising technological advancements to enhance the Client Lifecycle Management (CLM) journey, organisations can simultaneously focus on Operational Excellence to enhance the holistic management of the Client Due Diligence, and related functions.


Ed Fowler is a Client Lifecycle Management Business Analyst specialising in strategic delivery and transformation of client’s Financial Economic Crime functions

Ed Fowler
Client Lifecycle Management Business Analyst

Application of Operational Excellence practices has shown to bring many benefits with reported 15% cost decrease through monitoring and processing team and productivity leads. Whilst a recent survey showed banks can see a 35% increase in KYC cases processed through a centre of excellence than siloed teams. Overall, Operational Excellence can bring:

  • Sustainable growth
  • Increased employee engagement and retention
  • Improved risk management  
  • Greater customer satisfaction

Focusing on excellence and Continuous Improvement in your team, fostering a commitment to continuous improvement, requires a review and modification in:

  • Business behaviours
  • Employee skills
  • Work allocation
  • Work productivity

Below are four different areas that Delta Capita would typically review as part of an Operational Excellence review within the CLM space.  

Process Refinement (Waste Removal)

Analysing the CLM end to end journey to identify repeated processes, redundant actions, and optimisation opportunities. This should lead to quicker lead times, greater accuracy, and increased customer satisfaction.

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Delta Capita previously performed a review of an Americas Investment Bank end to end CLM journey to optimise it’s delivery against the industry best practices.

Policies and Procedures

Reviewing policy and procedures across the client globally allows us to assess business agility. This allows us to assess whether a change in policy globally leads to unmanageable coordination, challenge whether sufficient checks are in place to make sure changes are kept up to date in local jurisdictions.

Delta Capita reviewed and rewrote an Americas Innovation Bank’s procedures and provided recommendations to improve processing efficiency.
  • Where possible, we would look to globalise policies (80 global/20 local) so frequent regulatory changes limits mass dissemination and coordination.
  • Review communication channels to ensure policy changes are communicated to all local jurisdictions with a global oversight.
  • Policies and procedures are systemised for ease of compliance lookup and digitised, where possible, into KYC workflows.
  • Global cross-trained functions (especially for KYC refresh) remove some of the handoffs and allow 'follow the sun' efficiency.

Operational Maturity

Performing an Operational Maturity Assessment gives management a baseline to set targets and goals for continuous improvement. Periodic reviews and rewarding of improvements brought on by empowering staff, allows for tangible action plans and accelerates maturity bringing greater operational efficiencies. By assessing the core processing, you are likely to achieve a minimum 15% improvement in the processing capacity of your CDD function.

Delta Capita helped a UK Investment Bank to perform an Operational Maturity Assessment across its Investment & Corporate CLM Functions.

Organisational Change

Considering organisational change of the CDD function allows our clients to utilise its people to optimise performance, create synergies and bring greater efficiencies.

Delta Capita designed a functional model for a UK Challenger Bank’s CLM Operations Function building a business case across locations, designing functional team structure and mapping roles.

How we can help you

If you are interested in learning more about how Delta Capita can support your delivery or assessment of Operational Excellence, please get in touch today.