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How to Reinvent Your Customer Service for a Post-Pandemic World

If the pandemic stressed the need for streamlined remote client-firm communication and interaction, then the post-pandemic workplace is likely to require a new, comprehensive form of digital servicin


If the pandemic stressed the need for streamlined remote client-firm communication and interaction, then the post-pandemic workplace is likely to require a new, comprehensive form of digital servicing to take customer service to the next level.

As physical meetings became limited and communication channels exploded, it became clear that financial services organisations needed to reinvent their digital services platform to serve customers better and remain compliant. In addition, digitising your customer service operations has tremendous benefits - including a potential 20% increase in revenue and a 30% decrease in expenses. 

As in reinventing the workplace, one of the core elements of success is fine-tuning your toolset. In this blog post, we’ll review issues with remote communication platforms and what your ideal digital servicing solution should offer to be effective. 

The state of remote communication

With 95% of financial services firms switching to remote work as the pandemic rages on, long-distance and asynchronous communication take center stage. As more and more employees work from home and service clients not only across the country but across the globe, clear communication channels are vital.

The problem is, it’s incredibly easy for remote communication to become fragmented. Clients all use different software and web applications to send sensitive files, engage in video conferences, and make international phone calls. Video conferencing alone has a multitude of options - Google Hangouts, Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams - the list is almost neverending. 

This, in turn, creates complications with employee and client communication. Managing multiple services becomes a hassle and increases the likelihood that important files and messages will be lost. More importantly, this setup makes it difficult for financial services firms to remain compliant and ensure the integrity of client communication. 

Five considerations for reinventing your customer service platform 

The good news is, there are solutions for such spread-out communication networks. Automation can help boost your customer experience and streamline your activities while helping you reinvent your client and employee communication network. 

But not all solutions are created equal. Here are five questions you need to consider when picking a customer service platform:

  1. Does it reduce handling time?

Saving time is critical for both you and your client. After all, 40% of consumers will quit the onboarding process alone if it’s too long. Your communications platform should allow you to effortlessly collaborate to complete team tasks to expedite resolutions to client complaints.

  1. What features does it support?

You should always take account of what features are available. Screen-sharing is a big one. Both agents and clients should be able to easily share screens, files, and other information that will allow them to quickly and efficiently complete tasks. Some features to consider are:

  • Personalised video
  • Digital FAQ
  • Advertising capabilities
  • Self-service IVR
  • Digitalisation of forms, e-sign, guided reviews, and T&Cs
  • Post-call surveys and feedback follow-ups
  1. How enhanced is the data collection?

Data collection and storage are a must, for compliance and peace of mind. For optimisation, your solution should be able to sync valuable customer data with your CRM and other critical systems.

  1. Is it simple for both your employees and customers to use?

Employees are already using an extensive list of internal systems, it’s important that anything added into their processes ‘speak’ to the other systems and are fully interoperable. Similarly on the client experience, it must be an omnichannel and interconnected seamless experience as clunky journeys will quickly result in abandonment. 

  1. How comprehensive are the analytics?

How will your program track your net promoter score (NPS), or other key metrics? Your ideal platform should be able to monitor and present KPIs on an easy-to-read dashboard so you can better gauge your performance.  Your customer experience software should be able to provide data on callbacks, IVR,  campaigns, and sales. Keeping all the information in one platform results in a streamlined approach while also clearly pointing out performance gaps. 

The Klarion Advantage 

With Klarion, you can create innovative and intuitive interactions with customers. There is nothing for the customer to download and the session can be initiated via a link to the customers preferred channel and device, making the experience seamless.  From going through documents with them live, engaging with them over a live video call to co-browsing the internet, walking through and explaining T&C’s and completing e-signatures, our platform is an end-to-end communications platform that is easy to use, compliant and can seamlessly interact with your internal systems and existing tooling.

In other words, Klarion ensures that your virtual customer journey can retain a human touch while increasing efficiency, customised services, and potential revenue streams.

Current Klarion users have benefited from 33% increases in call containment rates, 92% cost reduction per activation process, more than an 80% success rate for visual services, 80% NPS, and $40,000 saved per month in the first three months.

Contact us today to learn more about how you can reinvent your customer service operations with Klarion.