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How Delta Capita used Automation to introduce efficiencies in Post-Trade functions for a Global Investment Bank using Xceptor

Many of our clients’ Post-Trade functions still include largely manual processes which can affect timeliness and accuracy, impact operational risk and efficiency, and effective client service, potentially leading to issues in meeting their various regulatory obligations.


Adam is a Technical Specialist and Application Developer at Delta Capita with over 10 years of experience in the Finance Industry.

Adam Overy
Managing Consultant – Technology Services

Many of our clients’ Post-Trade functions still include largely manual processes which can affect timeliness and accuracy, impact operational risk and efficiency, and effective client service, potentially leading to issues in meeting their various regulatory obligations.

At Delta Capita, we work with our clients in the Post-Trade area to assist them in focusing on the allocation of effort to achieve true business development and commercial goals. Our partnership with Xceptor allows us to implement bespoke, automated solutions for the entire suite of Post-Trade services; including, for example, confirmations, affirmations, and allocations.

Post-Trade Automation: A Delta Capita use case

In light of our proven track record of implementing automated solutions with Xceptor for other organisations, Delta Capita was approached by an Investment Banking client to automate their end-to-end Post-Trade workflow.

The mission to build an automated and scalable solution for such a complex process is often made increasingly more challenging since banks require the solution to be replicable across multiple asset classes, including:

·     Foreign Exchange (FX),

·     Equities,

·     Commodities, and

·      Fixed Income

All of which are typically characterised by unique contracts, data structures, and regulatory requirements.

Fortunately, the solutions Delta Capita build using Xceptor are data-agnostic, meaning that they can ingest and output data in any format and any language, whether it be:

·     Structured e.g., tables, spreadsheets

·     Semi-structured e.g., emails, webpages

·     Unstructured e.g., PDFs, contracts

What did we do?

The solution also enabled our client to report more effectively on trade breaks through Xceptor’s built-in monitoring capabilities.

Ultimately, our client was able to achieve their business goals ahead of schedule, which included:

·     Reducing cost and operational risk of processing OTC derivatives

·     Enabling OTC trade volume growth without corresponding headcount growth in Operations

·     Ensuring atleast 50% of confirmations and affirmations were processed automatically

Further benefits for the Client

How Delta Capita can help you

Reach out to us to understand how Delta Capita can help you unlock the power of automation, ensuring faster settlements, enhanced scalability, and transparent auditability in your Post-Trade operations.

We additionally offer a variety of Automation, Data Analytics and Data Science solutions to the finance industry as well as a comprehensive range of Post-Trade capabilities. To learn more about our service offerings, contact us today.