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Green Office Practices

There are numerous small changes that can be implemented across the workplace, each of which contribute to more sustainable ways of working. Over the past few years at Delta Capita, efforts have increased in order to meet our goal of Net Zero by 2030.


Diane brings over 30 years of global experience in business transformation, operational and process redesign, sourcing, procurement and ESG.

Diane Eshleman
Global Chief Sustainability Officer

There are numerous small changes that can be implemented across the workplace, each of which contribute to more sustainable ways of working. Over the past few years at Delta Capita, efforts have increased in order to meet our goal of Net Zero by 2030.

Below are eight areas where we’ve focused recent efforts, adopting more sustainable and conscious business practices.

1.    Hot Desking / Hybrid Working – DC currently operate a sustainable hybrid working model; a combination of home, office, and client site working. With a global average of 4.4 employees per desk, this model reduces the carbon emissions released and increases overall energy savings (where home offices typically consume less energy than an office)

2.    Lighting and Electricity – Small changes such as motion sensor lighting and having low-powered electrical equipment also promotes office energy saving. Supporting these changes, DC operated a ‘Clean Desk’ policy, which involves switching off all electrical equipment once individuals have left the office.

3.    Employee Benefits - The Cycle to Work Scheme

Cycle to Work (CTW) is a popular employee benefit whereby the employer purchases a bicycle and accessories on behalf of the employee in aims to reduce carbon footprint,  as well as supporting improving the employee’s physical and mental health. The cost is recovered by deduction from the employee’s gross pay (via salary sacrifice) and the bike is ‘on hire’ to the employee during this period. At the end of this period, the employee is given options that enable them to keep the cycle whilst maintaining the savings accrued through the scheme.

By means of implementation of the CTW scheme at DC, we have seen numerous benefits:

·      Increased use of alternatives to public transport, supporting employees in returning safely to the workplace.

·      Additional benefits offered to colleagues, increasing their satisfaction and wellbeing levels.

·      Enables employee savings through the tax and NI efficiencies that the scheme provides.

4.    Commemorating Earth Day and hosting events – Earth Day is a great opportunity to engage colleagues

We hosted events across all global offices in the run up to earth week, with the aim of engaging and educating employees on pressing environmental issues. Employees were encouraged to reinvent sustainable living, with daily challenges around key themes including eliminating plastic waste, avoiding fast fashion, reducing meat consumption and choosing more sustainable modes of transport.

 5.     Our Partnership with Greenly

We’ve partnered with a carbon accounting platform, Greenly, to measure and monitor our carbon emissions and create a successful reduction plan. Through Greenly’s platform, we’re able to produce GHG protocol compliant reports, analyse our emissions, and take the necessary steps towards reduction and Net Zero.

 6.    Stationary and Printing – At DC there is a strong commitment to running as a ‘paper-free’ office where possible; ensuring that printing occurs only when there is no alternative. When there is a requirement to print, our offices offer eco-friendly printer paper and recycle all toner and ink cartridges. In addition, default settings are set to be double sided and in B&W.

7.    Biodiversity in the office – Though small, the impact of plants in the office has more benefits beyond the aesthetics. Going beyond the ‘E’ in ESG, the social benefits on greenery focus on the power of plants to drive mental wellbeing, innovation and productivity of staff.

8.    Disposal / Waste Management Systems - Implemented waste separation bins across all our Delta Capita sites. The key to effective waste management is to provide clear guidance on what / what not to put into each waste bin. Effective and clear signage has helped drive employee adherence to the system.

 How Delta Capita can help

Delta Capita offers ESG Strategy and Regulatory consulting services that provide insight, capacity, and expertise to help companies maintain their commitment to global sustainability objectives and comply with regulatory requirements.

To find out more about DeltaCapita’s ESG consulting services, contact us today.