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From CSDR to T+1: Re-Energising The Post Trade Efficiency Agenda

Though many firms are still grappling with the effects of CSDR, the financial industry stands at the edge of a significant transformation, driven by the impending shift from the current T+2 settlement cycle to a T+1 model. This change, while seemingly incremental, holds far-reaching implications for the way transactions are processed, risks are managed, and capital is utilised across the entire financial ecosystem.


Conor is a Chartered Management Institute-certified Project Manager in Data Analytics and BI with demonstrated success in leading and delivering exceptional solutions for clients in the industry.

Conor Lane
Principal Consultant

Under the current T+2 settlement framework, trades are settled two business days after the transaction date. This allows market participants time to finalise paperwork, verify trade details, and ensure the smooth transfer of funds and securities. However, this extended settlement period also introduces operational inefficiencies, increases counterparty risk, and impedes capital utilisation.

The proposed T+1 settlement cycle aims to address these shortcomings by shortening the settlement timeline to one business day. This move is expected to bring about a cascade of benefits, including:

  • Reduced operational costs: Shorter settlement cycles will streamline trade processes, minimise manual intervention, and lead to lower transaction costs
  • Enhanced counterparty risk management: By reducing the time between trade execution and settlement, T+1 will significantly reduce counterparty risk exposure
  • Improved capital utilisation: Accelerated settlement will allow firms to utilise their capital more efficiently, freeing up funds for additional investments and business activities
  • Reduced exposure to CSDR fines: With a shorter period between trade execution and settlement, there's less time for potential settlement failures or delays, thereby reducing the risk of incurring fines under CSDR regulations

Despite the potential advantages, the transition to T+1 presents a host of challenges for the finance industry. Market participants must adapt their infrastructure, systems, and processes to accommodate the shorter settlement timeline. This will require significant investments in technology, training, and change management initiatives.

Moreover, the compressed settlement cycle will heighten the need for robust risk management frameworks and operational resilience. Firms will need to enhance their liquidity management strategies, strengthen their credit risk assessment capabilities, and implement robust contingency plans to mitigate potential disruptions.

The shift to T+1 will also necessitate increased collaboration and coordination among market participants. Industry bodies, regulators, and financial institutions must work together to establish clear guidelines, develop standardised procedures, and ensure seamless integration across the various segments of the financial system.

The finance industry must act now to prepare for the impending T+1 transition. The time to begin the necessary preparations is running out, and failure to do so could lead to significant operational disruptions, financial risks, and reputational damage.

Here are some key steps that financial institutions can take to prepare for T+1:

  • Conduct a comprehensive assessment of current systems and processes: Identify areas that require modification or upgrades to accommodate the shorter settlement cycle
  • Develop a detailed implementation plan: Outline the specific steps, timelines, and resource requirements for the transition
  • Invest in technology and infrastructure: Upgrade systems to handle increased transaction volumes and ensure real-time data processing
  • Enhance risk management frameworks: Implement robust liquidity management strategies, strengthen credit risk assessment capabilities, and develop contingency plans
  • Engage with industry bodies and regulators: Participate in industry discussions, collaborate on standard procedures, and stay updated on regulatory developments

The transition to T+1 is not merely a technological or operational change; it represents a fundamental shift in the way the financial industry operates. By embracing this transformation, market participants can reap significant benefits, enhance efficiency, and reduce risk, ultimately contributing to a more stable and resilient financial system.

Stay tuned for the release of our T+1 Fireside Chat featuring Xceptor and SSimple, where we will delve deeper into these topics.