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Delta Capita’s 2023 sustainability outlook

The focus of our ESG agenda at Delta Capita is to embed Sustainability at the very heart of our organisation – part of Delta Capita’s values and specific commitment to being a socially-responsible co


The focus of our ESG agenda at Delta Capita is to embed Sustainability at the very heart of our organisation – part of Delta Capita’s values and specific commitment to being a socially-responsible company.

From working with our charity partners to progressing with new sustainable initiatives, we are frequently looking for more ways to implement sustainable business practices. As we enter 2023, we outline our ambitions for the year ahead as we continue our sustainability journey.

Key sustainability initiatives include:

Our Roots

From the start, Delta Capita has embraced the importance of Sustainability. Indeed, our very business model focuses on driving operational efficiencies across the financial services value chain in order to derive a series of beneficial outcomes. This includes creating mutualised services that deliver cost efficiencies, drive lower energy utilisation, and offer better job opportunities.

Our Ambitions

In 2022, our focus was to build on that initial foundation. We have been even more disciplined about defining and achieving our ambitious ESG goals. We have appointed a Chief Sustainability Officer at the Executive Committee level, enhanced our overall governance framework, updated our policies and business processes, and expanded our Sustainability scorecard with aggressive but achievable targets for continuous progress.

Performance Management

We are very alert to the perennial global challenges around ESG performance reporting. In order to verify the accuracy of our results and align with external affiliations, we have submitted our credentials to EcoVadis, subscribed to the UN Global Compact as well as three of the associated SDGs, aligned with SBTi, and submitted to CDP.

Addressing the Climate Crisis

From an environmental standpoint, we have used third-party tooling to validate our carbon emissions and are building a plan that will help us drive to Net Zero no later than 2030. In addition, we have issued Green Office Guidelines that include improving waste management, managing power consumption, promoting ecology, and adopting planet-friendly practices across our global footprint.

How We Behave

The social element of ESG continues to be a focus for us. Our activities here extend from making certain that our HR policies drive the right behaviours and support our diversity agenda, to the adoption of a refreshed set of Values that govern the way we function globally. We have aligned with charity partners across our footprint, with a focus on helping disadvantaged populations get the skills and support they need in order to get employed.

How We Operate

We know that our clients and our people hold us quite rightly to the highest standards. Our employees receive ongoing education and submit attestations around important compliance topics like ABC, personal trading and information security. Similarly, we acknowledge that our suppliers are a critical part of our overall value chain —thus we hold them to the same high standards and regularly monitor their performance.

Looking Ahead

In 2023, we look forward to even more progress on our Sustainability journey. For example — we will confirm that we are in full compliance with the relevant ISO standards, enhance our data analytics and the associated tooling, and drive high levels of staff engagement.

Of course, 2023 will see a continued debate globally about how investors will prioritise ESG over simply focusing on financial returns. That said, smart investors recognise that “Sustainability” is fundamentally about using less resources (both natural and financial) to achieve increased efficiency and reduce risk. And external drivers related to regulatory oversight and the associated reporting requirements make ESG a mandatory priority for businesses rather than a “nice to have.”

At Delta Capita, we are passionate about continuing our progress against all three dimensions of Sustainability and in supporting our clients with related activities:

  • Environment: We are focused on the path to achieving Net Zero and ensuring that we have a disciplined plan to achieve that goal
  • Social: This dimension of ESG will likely take on more importance in 2023 with an emphasis on human rights, pay equity, employee well-being, and overall DEI
  • Governance: Something that is getting increasing attention as well — with a push to achieve higher levels of standardisation on Sustainability metrics globally, as well as implementing better technology tools to support the aggregation and validation of ESG data

    Our ambition is to continue making Sustainability an important part of our mission and indeed the DNA of the Delta Capita organisation for the benefit of our clients, our employees and the society in which we operate.